So we have decided here at our company to take matters into our own hands in our own small way and start a new division in the USA where we already manufacture 95% of our products.
I'm writing about this because I'm hoping it will inspire others who are a lot bigger than us to follow suit. Business cannot be all about cheap labor and excess profits at the expense of our entire economy and labor force. If Americans don't have any money they cannot buy products at any price and it appears to me the the chickens are already coming home to roost. I predict that many if the big box stores will close their doors this year. I have been saying it for months.
I have personally decided to take a gamble on getting things moving in the right direction by in my own small way starting a trend in the right direction to reverse the job situation in our country. So we have decided to enter the very competitive market of Green Laundry Detergent and have added an Internet twist and a very attractive price combined with a green product. We are actually selling 5 gallons delivered to your door in the Continental USA for only $10.95 delivered. It is a simply add water kit that I have developed personally and have done considerable field testing on already. It is for both HE and regular washers. Our testing has been very successful and now we are moving forward. This is a big gamble for us and we can either win big, or fail big, but to me, it's worth the effort.
Please visit our new site and help us create new jobs for Americans.
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