Wednesday, November 27, 2013

UFO Sightings and Missing Person Links by Walt Barrett

 We are gathering links and any other information that you can submit to us to help us sort through and make sense out of the huge amounts of missing persons reports. that we are finding on the Internet.  Our goal is to see if there are any actual links connecting UFO sightings and people who have gone missing.  We need names, dates, time of day etc.  We can also use any photos or videos of missing persons and any type of strange phenomenon.  Please do not submit any doctored media.  There is too much of it on the Internet already and it is getting more and more difficult to get to the truth.
   If you know of a missing person and of a UFO sighting in the same time period we would like to know.  Have you ever seen a UFO?  Our program will match them all up and verify the sightings.
Remember the year and date really matter.
Next time I will tell you about my own personal sighting.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

New Economic Stimulus Bill In Congress by Walt Barrett

In an effort to stimulate the failing economy in the USA our congress is voting to purchase 20 million sausage making machines from a giant American company based in China. The idea being that the sausage making machines will be distributed to the millions of unemployed Americans so that they can make and sell delicious home made sausages to each other thus giving our economy a gigantic boost by putting entire families to work selling each other the sausage. A special provision in the act allows the first sausage making machines to go to our brave war veterans. Watch for the bill in congress shortly. It is called the "Americans Get The Sausage Act."

Friday, August 23, 2013

Why Our Government Needs To Rethink Its Priorities by Walt Barrett

   Not everyone is going to agree with what I have to say in this piece
because they have other interests and other goals that do not include the problems of the unemployed or underpaid American workers.
   I don't want to come off like the famous cartoon character who is always depicted as the guy standing on a street corner holding up the sign that says “The End Is Near”, but I really feel compelled to make some observations about our governments policies and also the policies of other nations that we are involved with as well. Since the end of The Second World War I have personally watched this country move steadily down hill because of bad foreign policy decisions until now we have reached the point of practically no return. Now it seems that things are at the point where almost anything we do makes matters worse. The simple answer is that we should never have interfered in the first place. You cannot solve other countries problems for them. We have to solve the problems in our own country. The world domination game is a dead end street. In this age of nuclear weapons no one wins, so no one really ever gets to dominate. Besides, as I have often said before, no one can rule the world while standing in financial quicksand! It's time to clean up our own house. We need to stop all foreign aid. We needed to stop fighting wars that we are being baited into and we need to focus on America. Now we cannot even afford to take care of our own wounded hero’s.
   Millions of American citizens are still without decent food, clothing, and shelter because we have allowed millions of manufacturing jobs to go overseas. The global economy is a joke. It can never work as long as there is an inequity in the minimum wage between countries. It is plain to see that the people who exported all of our jobs off shore only care about the bottom line and the short term high profits. They are not concerned about the future of young Americans.
   Any company who exports their jobs to another country has to realize that sooner or later things reach a point where they will erode their own customer base so badly that our ever growing number of poor people in America will not even be able to buy even the cheapest goods that are imported from other countries. They are not that stupid and have to know that this will happen, but they don't care because now they are so rich it doesn't matter to them.
If American workers had decent jobs that paid decent wages they could afford to pay their own way for food, clothing, shelter, medical and dental care. Our government has never given that system a chance to work. Right now it seems like the medical, dental and pharmaceutical business are totally rigged. Millions of people are having to do without these services because they are so expensive. We need to level the playing field and give people a chance to work and be able to afford these services. I am not in favor of business picking up the tab or a welfare state either. I know that is partly why they went off shore. People should be able to work and make enough money to support themselves totally. I don't believe in socialism. I do believe that we have to keep the jobs here in our own country. The so called global economy is just a lot of political B.S. We have to do what is necessary to improve the business climate in our country and bring back millions of jobs. I am really wondering if our government has decided that our country is just going to live with up to ten percent unemployment so that this sham of an economy can just keep going on and on and on! Just think of the money we can save on welfare alone!
My next blog in this series is about how we can stop the foolishness and save a great deal of money in the USA so we can get back on the right track. It's going to be a doozy!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Internet Sales Tax Coming Soon by Walt Barrett

In their never ending quest for more tax money and to squeeze out small business congress and big business is trying to rush this bill through. EMAIL YOUR CONGRESSMAN TODAY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

Internet Sales Tax Right Now!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Undercover Boss Show Makes Some Interesting Points by Walt Barrett

   I'll be turning 80 in May and that gives me over 65 years of working experience because I started to work very early and never really retired.  I worked on farms and logging camps starting at age 12  and in the mills starting at age 14 and all the while I kept going to school even when I had to go to summer school to make up for failing grades because I worked the three PM to eleven PM shifts in the mills and did not always have enough time to study. I don't ever regret it and always look back fondly at those early years of my crazy, but interesting life.  In those days the guy who did the job the best and made the most money for the company usually became the boss and he made more money too.  You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out early in life that hard work, good ideas and experience paid off.
   Now let's fast forward 65 years.  We see some very well established companies getting in serious financial difficulty because they are making very basic and fundamental mistakes.  This is due to very bad leadership and academic snobbery just for openers.  There is a TV show where the boss of a company goes undercover and proceeds to tour his company branches while discovering terrible problems on top of problems in the various branches of the company.  The "Boss" always finds that there are several people that are trouble makers or just don't care and do not belong with the company to begin with.  He also finds that there are one or two very key people that are carrying the operation on their backs and are at the breaking point.  This is very typical of many large and small businesses. Why is this happening?  Well this is my opinion.  Ordinary workers need to have hope and confidence in the system.  They need to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.  Too many companies promote from out side the ranks insisting on all kinds of degrees and diplomas which are all well and good, but not totally necessary. Then to add insult to injury you have to take your best person on the production line and have him or her train the new "Boss" anyway.  This can be very discouraging to your good and loyal employees and once they develop the I could give a rat's ass about the company because they don't give a rat's ass about me anymore is where your problems really begin and the attitude spreads quickly.  That's why we have so many union problems in industry today.  Which would you rather collect, a lot of fancy diplomas or a lot of first class employees that you trained from the ground up who really are loyal, enthusiastic and are putting out for the company?  Some people got it and some people ain't!  Getting the job done, keeping your employees happy and making the best possible profit for the company is the name of the game. It's the only game!  If you have poor working conditions and are underpaying your employees then you are only fooling yourself and it also makes one wonder what kind of humans are these kind of bosses?  Encourage your employees to further their own educations and help them in any way that you can. Then if they still can rise above the crowd it's on them.  Always remember that all of these "Human Resources" people are not geniuses when it comes to hiring, firing or building your product or business and the same goes for sales people too.
Unless you are a total dumbbell you should know what is best for your company.  You always lead by example.  There are no short cuts and absentee management is exactly what it is!
Walt Barrett
An index of Blogs by Walt Barrett
Walt Barrett is the President and sole owner of A to Z Global Marketing Inc.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Slippery Sliding Eyeglasses Solution by Walt barrett

I'm just one of those people whose eyeglasses won't stay on and it's an annoying problem and sometimes the most simple answers are right in front of our noses or should I say right behind our ears, but it only took me 80 years to figure it out! 
I solved the problem by making a simple set of friction grabbers from two elastic bands. They don't slide any more - It works for me!

The mad scientist !

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mr. President And Congress Let's Put It All On the Table by Walt Barrett

   Why do the Elderly, the poor, the sick and the underprivileged have to be the one's who always take the cuts? I expect the next election to be a veritable blood bath! If it isn't then the American people deserve what they get! We are the biggest suckers in the world. We have to stop picking up the check for the entire world.
All we really need here is jobs, some decent management, and a strong military. We don't need boots on the ground all over the world either. These upstart countries need to learn that if you declare war on the USA you lose your Electricity, food, water, sewerage, and fuel supplies. It's pretty had to run a war sitting there in the dark starving and rotting in your own filth and the best part is that we would not suffer thousands of casualties that then are denied proper care in the VA hospitals!
I served in the military and I know what I'm talking about.
Don't we ever learn anything from History?  Are we all supposed to be stupid?
If the government is going to play budget games and politics with our Jobs, homes, businesses, medical, medicine and other benefits then let's put EVERYTHING on the table and stop all foreign aid and fighting foreign wars. Quit wasting our tax money so we can take care of business here at home. Let the rest of the world solve its own problems for a change. Next election I'm for voting all of these privileged people out of office and letting them try making it in the real world without big money in back of them and see how they like it. If being a "World Leader" means being constantly broke then I'm against it. I have often said that you cannot rule the world while standing in financial quicksand. Many have tried it and they all have failed. Look what happened to Russia! Everyone that I know is disgusted. We are not Santa Claus and everyone should email the president and congress and tell them to quit screwing around, clean up their act, or get out! The president should sit down with these people now and talk this problem out. Too many people's lives are at stake. It's time to put it all on the table or go down. We don't need more taxes. We do need to stop wasteful spending and trying to run the world because that is an expensive game and has destroyed many governments that preceded ours!
Make your life mean something other than a passive existence and for God's sake stand up and be counted!

Walt Barrett