Thursday, December 27, 2012

TV News People Are Turning Into Editorializing Bullies by Walt Barrett

   I just watched a TV network news reporter interview Mr. David Keene who is the president of the National Rifle Association. 
Mr. Keene is a real gentleman and I must say a very patient man who knows how to handle himself when it comes to disrespectful  media people.  The Reporter was arguing with him over second amendment rights and was being very rude and overbearing like most reporters are these days. I don't know why the news media for that matter even bothers to invite any guests on at all these days because the reporters are always rude and are stepping all over their guests answers, cutting them off and always trying to force their extreme left wing views onto their guests.  All these reporters are really doing is sitting there editorializing their own opinions and those of the networks.  
As a point of reference, I like the Center myself.
   Although the news media does not totally run this country yet, remember that they would like to.  They would like to re-write our constitution, decide our elections, and dictate our foreign policy.
The news media is getting way to disrespectful toward certain people and organizations who are trying to do their best under terrible conditions.  They also give out far too much sensitive data about our military operations and they get in the way in combat zones and can get our personnel killed.
I am tired of news people with an agenda  who hide behind the same constitution that they are trying to deconstruct.  Believe me, the founders knew what they were doing when they wrote it.
News reporters act more like bullies than real journalists.  
I don't see them pointing out that if that Connecticut lunatic murderers mother had locked her guns up we would not even be talking now.  My heart goes out to the victims, but we should be enforcing the laws that we already have on the books.
Lets not let the media rush us into so extreme set of gun laws that we will all regret in the future.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

So You Really Don't Know Why Your Jobs Are Gone by Walt Barrett

    The short answer is that bad government and corruption did it and there is plenty of blame to go around. 
 I've been around since 1933 and I did manage to learn a few things about being a war veteran, working in the mills and sweat shops, politics, politicians, big business and betrayal.  It's enough to make you sick!  It has amazed me ever since I was a kid how apathetic most Americans are about the way that government at all levels has been and is being run to this day.  It starts right in your home town!   We got into the current mess because too many of the American people trusted the politicians to take care of them and run their country in a business like manner.  Now the chickens have really come home to roost big time because we trusted the wrong people!   We don't have enough jobs because the politicians sold us out to big business who ultimately sent all of our manufacturing jobs overseas.
The politicians always sided with the big money boys and never took the right steps to stabilize our economy or protect our jobs. 
    Lets take a very simple example starting with a normal situation right here in America.   Southern New England had a thriving, booming textile industry employing many thousands of people for at least 100 years.  Right after World War Two the mill owners who had been battling with the workers over wages and living conditions for many years discovered that there were states in the south where the workers would work for half the wages of the workers up north.  The southern states also offered tax breaks and financial assistance to those companies that were willing to pick up and move down south.  Well I'm telling you that from the late forties untill the early fifties the highways up north were lined trucks every day that were hauling looms and all other kinds of machinery down south for the cheap labor, financial assistance and the tax breaks.  Well when the tax breaks ran out and the labor force in the south started to make demands for fair wages like the rest of the country were already earning  the big business guys simply folded up in the south and moved off shore.  Since then, many other businesses all over our country have followed suit, It's that simple.
   Just think about it in terms of right here in America.  
If company "A" at 101 Main Street manufacturers nuts and bolts and pays his workers $20.00 an hour, and across the street company "B" manufacturers  The exact same nuts and bolts , but only has to pay his workers $7.50 per hour and they are all selling to the same market, how long is company "A" going to stay in business?  Well here in the USA That would be called fair competition and company "A" could lower his wage costs in order to compete with company "B" both being here in the USA. That's not too hard to follow so far is it?.  
   Now lets look at the real problem for both company "A" and for company "B"  
   This is the part where the politicians sold us out.  Along comes company "F" (lets call it "F" for Foreign.)  They are in Asia where people work for pennies on the dollar as compared to the USA.  It's called exploitation. Company "F" in Asia is not subject to any of the rules and regulations that that companies "A" and "B" are subject too here in the USA.  Furthermore they think that we are stupid because we have EPA, fair labor and and OSHA safety laws and all the other rules and regulations that US manufacturers are bound to.   Company "F" is laughing  all the way to the effing bank!  That's the so called "Global Economy" in a nut shell.  
   This happened because we have had politicians all the way back to Nixon from both political parties literally lining up at the trough to get us involved in this global disaster by pushing us into Asia, first Japan then China among the big ones.   The American worker is totally screwed because of his higher standard of living so here we are folks, here we are!
   A global economy can only be fair to all workers when the world wide wages are equal and that will never happen! It doesn't take a Harvard economist to understand that!  Now because of this huge blunder in world trade policy the USA and many other countries in Europe are on the ropes.  Add the trade problem to a couple of wars we did not need and a bunch of financial people that belong in jail right this minute and it comes up to this awful mess that we may never ever come out of again.  This is what we get for trusting our politicians and Presidents. Now I'm not sure who runs America and where we are going from here.  Now let me see, which political party represents the workers and which one represents big business, politically, I mean?  Well when I worked in the sweat shops the big bosses always referred to the workers as the donkeys so I guess I just answered my own question.
   If our own American workers don't work, pretty soon we don't have a customer base and without a customer base we don't have an economy, and without an economy we don't have a country!
  It's so bad now that even a foreign country can donate enough money to influence our elections and even get us into another war. Our government is bought and paid for.  This is what it has come to.  It's all about greed!
Let me just leave you with that thought!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Losing Weight Is Not Rocket Science by Walt Barrett

   First off, we are not selling weight loss products or exercise machines here.  As a person who is age 79 and very concerned about his own health I have already lost 25 pounds this year (8 months) and I am simply passing on a little information that has been extremely helpful to me.  By this time with all the information that is out there on the Internet and the TV news most of us should be well aware of the health risks of being overweight.  Let me just mention a few like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, bowel, liver, kidney disease and there are a lot more, believe me,  so let's get right down to brass tacks.
   I can tell you right off the bat that you have to be very patient to lose weight.  I tried several variations before I got my act together.  The most difficult part is sticking to it.  I do not have a magic bullet to make myself or anyone else instantly lose weight. So I'm going to cut right through it and tell you what is finally working for me.
1.  I keep track of my calories which after a couple of weeks gets real easy to remember the values of the various foods in my diet. The food calorie values are all over the Internet for free.
2.  I had to cut out Alcohol, sugar, salt, all fatty fried foods, butter, soda, fructose, white bread etc.  See the lists on the Internet.
 3. I try to keep my calories under 1500 per day.  A little less for a women.  
   I have cereal with  fruit in it and prunes in a side dish, coffee and a  small glass of skim milk for breakfast.  A sandwich, small skim milk and a small yogurt for lunch. and dinner is 3 oz of lean meat with green and yellow vegetables, brown rice and a diet desert.  We have it all figured so that it comes out around 1500 calories for the day.
I also drink water between meals but never was a big water drinker.
I stick pretty close to this diet and rarely eat out.  Basically most people already know what's good for them and what's not.  
I ride 10 miles a week on a bike in the gym  too.  
It's up to each person.  I also gave up smoking in 1998.  Most people have some control over their health.  It's as simple as that.  Make a program for yourself and stick to it as closely as possible.  It's always advisable to consult with your doctor if you can.  Just don't stop eating altogether.
It's really up to you.  
Some people choose life and some people choose death. 
Walt Barrett

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

From Citizens Band To Internet Social Networking by Walt Barrett

   It only seems like yesterday that we were all driving around with citizens band rigs in our cars and base stations in our homes.  That was a long time ago back in the twentieth century when all that stuff was state of the art.  Sales were in the millions and seemed as though they were endless.  The airways were so crowded that a person could hardly get a word in edgewise!  CB was the big thing.  Anyone with a head for business could see where this was leading.  CB really brought home the point that people like to socialize.  It was about that time that I realized that I was spending a great deal of valuable time on my rig and the novelty was also starting to wear off by the late seventies.  I got tired of wasting my time on CB and had dropped out of it by 1980.  The Rigs are now gathering dust in my attic somewhere.  I decided to spend more time focusing on my business and my family activities.
   Recent events in the stock market this week have caught my attention.  For the past seventeen years that I have been doing business on the Internet I have often compared certain segments of the Internet to Citizens Band Radio.  My basic conclusion is that while social networking  can be very helpful in business and maybe even in your personal life, it definitely is a time thief.  It is also opening the door to many seriously bad Internet experiences.  Not everyone receives a happy ending.  The real winners are the owner operators of these sites who reap millions of dollars in advertising revenues and that's OK by me.  Advertising money is good clean money in most cases and the cheats get caught sooner or later.
I guess what I really want to say is that I'm not ready to invest in something that does not really offer any tangible assets and rides on the back of every whim and latest fad of the public.  I remember Citizens Band Radio and how one day I blinked and it was gone.  Oh well, at least all I have to show for it is a couple of dusty CB radios in my attic and not my life savings tied up in dusty bundles of stock certificates.  All I'm saying is to look down the road a few years before you invest in anything because paper assets do not seem to have much stability, or value anymore.  I don't look for huge gains.  I look for solid investments in tangible assets. 
If you like to gamble then go to the casino.  You might have a better chance.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Who was the real Nicola Tesla? by Walt Barrett

   Nicola Tesla, the man who knew too much, was born in 1856 and died in 1943 at which time the FBI confiscated all of his papers and held them for many years.  Tesla owned at least 278 and possibly up to 300 patents that laid the foundation for most of our modern day electrical inventions.  Many of our modern day "inventors" have ridden his coat tails to riches and glory. His name has been mostly suppressed  by the scientific community.  Tesla's life is pretty much an open book if you dig around the Internet a bit so there is no point in wasting time here on that subject.  
Just look here.  
   The real mystery surrounding Tesla is how did he do it? How did he invent, or lay the foundation for nearly everything in the electrical world?  He certainly didn't learn it all in college because he had not even invented it yet!  We have a problem because Tesla didn't write a lot of his ideas down.  He had a brain like a computer and kept it all in his head.  However, we have his patents which speak for themselves and we have word of mouth accounts from his assistants who were interviewed after his death.  We also have some excellent news paper accounts and biographies. 
   Tesla was so far ahead of his time that he was scary.  He was an absolute space shot!  His fellow scientists dismissed him as a crackpot, probably because they had stolen so many of his ideas.  Scientists are good for that. Tesla was the real inventor of radio and was finally given full credit.
   Without Tesla we might not have radio, or alternating current, transformers, electric submarines, or predator missiles. It is also almost a certainty that he had invented a particle beam weapon.  He almost brought down a city block in New York City with his earthquake machine, which by the way is very simple to understand.  There are volumes of documented facts about Tesla's inventions.  He designed the entire original AC power station at Niagara Falls.  I could go on and on about the good solid record of inventions that Tesla patented, but like I said, the list of known patents is available on
    The thing about Tesla that really gets a person to thinking is that he often claimed that he spoke to Aliens from other worlds.  His contemporaries dismissed these claims as the ravings of a mad man, but of course they would, as most of them had stolen from him either of his intellectual property, or financially by taking advantage of him and the nature of his financial dealings.  But let's really think about the voices that he heard.  How does one man come up with several hundred genius ideas that are all patent-able and that so much of our technology is still based upon to this very day?  One has to ask one's self did Tesla have some kind of connection with Alien technology, or was he communicating somehow with our own future?  Did he know things about time that we have not yet discovered?  Tesla may have had the missing answers to the UFO questions, that is if there are any such thing.  Was he chosen by a higher intelligence to help us make the grand leap into the future?  What else did he invent that we have not been told about.  These are all questions that should be carefully considered. 
 Who was the real Nicola Tesla?

Walt Barrett is the inventor and manufacturer of Battery Chem and has invented, patented and developed many products in the alternate energy field.  His company is A to Z Global Marketing Inc.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Alien Visitations or Previous Civilizations by Walt Barrett

Introduction to our new topics.
   I would like to start off by saying that in my lifetime I have had two solid UFO sightings.  I did not have a camera handy either time.  One of them was at night and a photo would have been useless.  The other sighting was in broad daylight, but like I said, I did not have a camera with me either time.  My first sighting was in Rhode Island in 1945 and in broad daylight.  Two dart shaped craft flew right over our property at an extremely low altitude. They were totally silent and solid black in color.  My second sighting was in 1967 in Vernal, Utah at a campground on the west side of town.  The craft was a large black triangle the size of several football fields and flew right over us.  It blacked out the sky. We saw it approaching for several miles.  It had a very bright light on the point of the triangle shape.  When it got to the edge of town it went dark leaving only its huge silhouette in the semi darkness.  It never made a sound.  
   Any time  you turn on a TV today you can find a program about ancient civilizations, alien visitors, alien abductions, UFOs, SFO's, etc.  They are doing it to death.  The problem with the TV shows is that it's getting more and more difficult to separate the facts from the distortions, fiction and the fake photos from the real stuff.  This is especially true when the filmmakers do not clearly indicate that they are  reenactments.  The made for profit hacked out shows that repeat the same old worn out footage week after week have made it virtually impossible to believe anything that you see on the TV, or the Internet for that matter.  It's the old anything for a buck TV and the book/magazine for profit game.  One thing I know for sure is that when cash comes into play, science goes out the window.  Space Aliens are now an industry! Having said that I would also like to say that if people want to watch that kind of entertainment it's their prerogative, but remember that it is entertainment with no hard scientific evidence to back it up.
   So what do we really know?  Well hopefully, we know what we have actually seen with our own eyes in real time.  There is also the video footage from very reliable sources who have had nothing to gain by faking it.  There are many possible explanations to all of these mysterious sightings.  We are going to explore them all including the possibility that Aliens are indeed visiting our planet, but keep in mind that there are several other explanations possible including time travelers from our own planet's future, hidden civilizations in remote areas of the earth, parallel universes, or under the sea civilizations and inter dimensional space and time travelers.
   We will also discuss the fact that over the centuries there have been many individuals that have unexplainedly gained advanced knowledge far beyond their own time.  We will continue this conversation again soon and follow each subject to its logical conclusion.
To be continued.

Monday, February 13, 2012

About Your Future by Walt Barrett

       I really do enjoy writing my in blogs and now that I have recovered and am rested I am writing again.  I have been kicking around the planet for nearly eighty years.  It's been a hell of a ride and I think - hope that I managed to learn a few things along the way.
I am an absolute news freak and have always followed the conditions on the planet very closely.  I hate to be a real downer, but I feel obligated to share my observations with all four of my Blog followers.  I want to talk about what's happening right now and how it is going to affect the future of many people, keeping in mind that many people act like they don't care if they fall through the cracks, so to speak.
   Everyone should realize by now that conditions in the USA and other countries are very bad right now and will get worse for many Americans.  Our government is too busy spending money micro managing the rest of the world to solve our serious problems here at home where it really counts.   This is basically the fault of congress who  make and have made the final decisions and passed the laws that have made all of the current terrible conditions possible. Loopholes in the election laws have made it possible for even foreign countries to buy influence in our congress.  It has nothing to do with political parties and everything to do with influence peddling.  We have been sold out by our own congress!
   So let's get to the bottom line here.  We can all see this coming, but how can we either stop it, or at least protect ourselves?  It may be easier to take the proper steps now to protect ourselves than to stop this juggernaut of a runaway government.   If you don't sit down right now and make a plan for your own future this is what I predict will happen to at least one third of the working and unemployed Americans over the next ten to twenty years.  First of all, do not plan on anyone else making a plan for you!
   My personal outlook based upon the current conditions is that you are going to see many Americans unemployed and homeless.
You will see thousands of Americans dying from freezing, starvation, sickness, and lack of medical care, and that is just the short version of what I envision. You will see our so called allies abandon us and gleefully watch us sink into the quicksand!  This brings up a point.  You cannot micro manage the world while standing knee deep in quicksand!  Based upon their past performance our self indulgent do nothing congress is only going to make matters worse and I mean both parties.  One is as bad as the other.
   If I were you I would start working on a survival plan that includes some kind of an income very soon now because the hand writing is up there and it does not look good.
Oh, by  the way, one last prediction. If the Republicans do not pull a real fresh and brilliant candidate out of their upcoming convention they will not win the Presidential election. I don't thing they wand to win the last election and I doubt they want to win this one either.  I am a centrist myself.  I don't trust any politicians. Did you ever see such a mess in your life!  We need to put Americans back to work now!
Walt Barrett

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dolphins being Stranded on Cape Cod Massachusetts by Walt Barrett

Scientists are puzzled by another rash of  Dolphins being stranded on Cape Cod.  I'll put my two cents in by suggesting that the recent very strong solar flares have caused magnetic anomalies in the area that could be affecting the Dolphin's ability to navigate.  The distance from the Cape Cod to the Bermuda Triangle by the way is a little over 700 miles.  Now let's see what the scientists have to say about that.
Walt Barrett